Microsort sperm sorting

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MicroSort FAQ: Sperm Sorting : www.nightwindpleasures.com

MicroSort® is a sperm separation method based on the difference in the amount of genetic material in sperm. Sperm carrying an X chromosome has.

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Sperm Sorting - Gender Selection

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There are only 2 proven techniques that may affect the gender of your children. They are sperm-sorting (including the procedure Microsort) and IVF with the use .

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How does MicroSort sperm sorting work? There are two types of sperm in a man's semen, X sperm and Y sperm. If an X sperm fertilizes the mother's egg, a girl is.

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Description:In other cases, a family with a lot of children of one sex may want to ensure at least one child of the opposite sex. With in-vitro fertilization IVF , an egg from the woman is injected with sperm obtained from the man. The Shettles Method claims that sperm containing an X chromosome are stronger, but are slower swimmers than those containing a Y chromosome. MicroSort is the only method that is based on this measurable difference in DNA. A couple may choose this option to prevent certain genetic diseases or to promote family balancing. Or maybe a couple just wants to be sure they have one of each. The sperm pass through a laser, causing the fluorescent dye to glow.

Views: 5999 Date: 2018-11-09 Favorited: 46 favorites

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