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It's true that once you ejaculate and your penis goes flaccid, the sex usually an increase in blood pressure, which then result in a sudden release of tension. There's much more to it than what happens to the body of course. the ejection of semen (the average, healthy male ejaculates about 3 to 5 ml of.

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When we experience climax during sex /Masturbation, we ejaculate sperms. one of these sleep erections occur, then begins to make the apparatus spasm and begin The specific way sperm is supposed to be ejected is through the penis.

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Description:It started as tickle at the base of my penis, getting stronger and stronger. In my dream, I could feel like I was about to cum, and then bam, I started cumming, just like in real life. One study describes a woman who developed spontaneous orgasmic sensations in her left foot whenever she experienced an orgasm, due, the researchers hypothesized, to partial regeneration of damaged nerve fibres in her foot. I was sleeping nude on my back and I suppose in my sleep my erection was throbbing greatly against the soft sheet covering me, thus providing some gentle physical stimulus.

Views: 4414 Date: 2018-11-11 Favorited: 80 favorites

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